Date of Report Conceived: April 29, 2020 Date Report Published: July 30, 2023 Executive Summary All available evidence points to the events at Lataminah on March 30, 2017, as having been staged. Bomb fragments were recorded at the scene that…
Lataminah – The OPCW Video
Date of Report: 30th July 2020 Introduction The IIT obtained video footage of an air strike on Ltamenah at around 6:00. The video, authenticated by the IIT as being from the attack of 30 March 2017, shows a grey smoke…
Lataminah – The Missing Records
The OPCW claims the Lataminah hospital was damaged so badly in an alleged 25/3/17 chlorine attack that medical records proving a 24/3/17 sarin attack were lost. The evidence tells a different story.
Who is “bobfrombrockley”?
Anonymous Twitter account @bobfrombrockley is the pseudonym for Professor Ben Gidley, @bengidley. He uses the account to launch attacks on those he disagrees with offering himself a consequence-free platform. In this article I expose his true identity.